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newBookmarkLockedFalling Jacks Forced Absence.
Jacklo 0 236 by Jacklo
Aug 23, 2012 12:55:18 GMT -5


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"Across the main street from the saloon is the freight station which contains a post office and an area where stagecoach services are found. Next to that is the general store, owned by anti-Semite (as well as anti-Catholic, anti-British, anti-immigrant, anti-homosexual, and anti-black) Herbert Moon where you can purchase their basic needs from his store - campsites, maps, horses etc. - as well as sell their goods for money.

Next door to the saloon resides gunsmith Jeb Murphy, where you can purchase and sell weapons, hunting bait, and ammo. Further along is a closed barber shop and dentist, and next to that is the office of the town's doctor Nathaniel Johnston who sells medicine.

Across the street from the doctor's office is the Bank of Armadillo, where large sums of money are secured in the safes inside. Down the street is a row of two-story residential buildings. On the far side of town is the Sheriff's office and jail, more houses, and a school house used as a movie theater. "
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